Thursday, February 08, 2024

Track Of The Day: The Irresistible Force - Sky High (Flying High) (Rising High)

Hungry for a bit of rave nostalgia? Fond memories of the chill out room? Well, this is the tune for you. Not that I particularly remember hearing this track in any specific place, you understand. It just typifies a vibe, a time and a nebulous place. What I like most about this tune is that it occupies a bit of middle ground. You can appreciate it horizontally, but it also has enough energy to encourage some abstract shape throwing. It also has that magical, analogue quality of making you feel you’re out in the British countryside, or hovering above it, on a particularly nice day. It’s pissing down outside right now, not in India though where my mate Pete Hurst is, who engineered this piece of perfection.

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