Saturday, December 30, 2023

Track Of The Day: Yellow Sox - Flim Flam (Nuphonic)

So we’re approaching the end of the year and, after just over a week’s holiday, a comfortable sense of disorientation and fugue has set in. However, although I’m waking up later and later each day, the annoying thing is that everything will be “back to normal” in three or four days time. It’s always the case I suppose, like going over to France in holiday, speaking French for the first time in a while, finally improving enough to stop tripping over my words too much only to have to return home the next day. Why these analogies? Only to highlight the inexorable passing of time, the patterns within it, and the parallels with the music we listen to. The soundtracks to our daily lives, and so on. Track of the day today is a suitably transient piece of ephemeral bliss; which describes them all to a certain extent. ‘Flim Flam’ by Yellow Sox, aka Diesel, was the best thing to come out on Nuphonic, a label that appeared in the late nineties and typified, for me, at least, a very London-centric house sound. Having said that, it was instrumental in opening a lot of people’s ears to the sound of The Loft and David Mancuso, through two seminal compilations. A great, tkimeless track and something that takes me back to the days of the Gold Bar residency with Monsieur Kevin Harding. If you read this Kev, get in touch.

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