Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Power Charge - Gary Gritness (Hypercolour)


Title: Power Charge

Artist: Gary Gritness

Label: Hypercolour

Cat Number: HYPE095

Genre: Periodic Table

1: Silver Zinc

2: Lithium Polymer

3: Sodium Sulfur

4: Nickel Cadmium

 Returning to the label he last released for pre pandemic, Gary Gritness brings forth the electro goodies in the shape of four “ super slick, powered up,body poppin’ jams!” Eponymously elemental, there is a latent sophistication and viscera to these tunes that should appeal both to the brain and the booty, it ‘s also refreshing to find that these tracks are long, ergo fit for lengthy mind-melding mixing. ‘Lithium Polymer’ is a touch lower in intensity than the other three tracks, and for my money the most interesting, taking you out of your body when decompression is the only answer. ‘Sodium Sulfur’ is rhythmic white noise combined with assertive dissonance. ‘Nickel Cadmium’ loves the bass and arpeggiated harmonics while provoking a sense of disturbance; and ‘Silver Zinc’ feels like a long downward spiral into the depths of an eighties-influenced concave flange fest. Great EP, with some inspired and original takes.

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