Title: Retroactive (Part Two)
Artist: Sir Lord Commix
Label: R-Time Records
Cat Number: RTM003
Genre: Deep House
A1: UR My Omen
A2: Fog Horn
B1: Chicago Jazz
B2: Motionvibe
A superbly-crafted Detroit/Chicago homage. From the obvious motor city leanings of ‘UR My Omen’ to ‘Chicago Jazz’, this is a release which while breaking no new ground, (not surprising, considering these tracks have been in circulation for some time now, on various lesser known releases), consolidates that which had been covered and, as its name suggests, has fun doing so. It was only last week that I came across my copy of ‘Evidence’ and gave it a good work out, and also noticed the not inconsiderable price it currently commands on Discogs. This made me smile, but some new material wouldn’t go amiss Mr. Sir Lord.