Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Track Of The Day: Eden Burns - Free Your Mind (Public Possession)

There are still plenty of artists making good house music around today. One such is Eden Burns from down under, whose ‘Big Beat Manifesto Vol. Vll’ contains a quartet of such funky minimalism that it reminded me of the halcyon days of Herbert just starting out. That’s the vibe and tone you understand. Three of the four tracks herein hit that sweet spot where a deadpan groove clashes with vocal snippets and other strategic embellishments. I’ve seen that ‘Free Your Mind’ has been quantified as “tech-house” in certain quarters. This is definitely accurate as far as the original categorisation is concerned. I can imagine this, and the other two tracks going down a storm on the more discerning sarf London/Croydon axis of hedonistic dance floors. However, I prefer to label it as simply “house”, taking into account that it’s “a feeling” and also that, pitched right down it could also possibly occupy the upper limits of chug.

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