Monday, June 17, 2024

DMX Crew - Brain Mutants EP (No Static/Automatic)


Title: Brain Mutants EP 

Artist: DMX Crew

Label: No Static/Automatic

Cat Number: NSA007

Genre: Techno/Electro

A1: Mutated Brain Process

A2: Electric Mutant

A3: Non-Euclidean Coordinates

B1: Tunnel Mutant

B2: Depressed Mutant

Ed DMX has been around for a while, and released so much that it’s normal he would be looking to utilise new approaches in order to create his music. So, according to the press  for this release, he has been working with “the Aphex Twin created Sample Brain, old disco records and analogue synth notes were fed into the sample mashing web app to create the sounds used on this EP.” With that in mind, the content doesn’t feel any more or less processed than would be expected. Production isn’t compromised. And, the relatively narrow parameters of the prescribed sound are flexed to their utmost. The EP is characterised by a level of whimsey that infuses even the most sinister melodies, perhaps best heard on the bee like signature over the dense techno pummelling on ‘Depressed Mutant’. ‘Non-Euclidean Coordinates’ is a stand out, with its stripped down percussion over a gloomy, bleak backing providing a change from the frictional, and occasionally hesitant first couple of compositions. 

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