Thursday, June 13, 2024

Track Of The Day: Cristian Vogel - Time (Tresor)

One of my favourite techno tracks, although I’m not really sure that that’s what it really is. It’s funk on stilts as far as I’m concerned, techno or not. However, I’ll categorise it as said genre. Having been issued in the mid nineties, around 30 years ago now, it has all the trappings of that time and, coming out of The UK, has traits that can be found in the releases of other labels of the tie: Ferox, Pure Plastic, etc; and other artists: Mark Bell, Russ Gabriel; etc. It’s a stunning piece of groove, that I think, is indisputable, and its 8 minutes or so let it spread its wings to their full span. Layer it with love, or let it play out on its own. Either way, it’s a stunner.

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