Monday, June 10, 2024

PRZ - Lost Art (Cultivated Electronics)


Title: Lost Art

Artist: PRZ

Label: Cultivated Electronics

Cat Number: CE047

Genre: Techno

A1: Introvert

A2: Lazerton

A3: Time To Decide

B1: Azaya

B2: Velocity Shift

C1: Lost Art

C2: Back From 89

D1: Voice Over

D2: Miss You

I guess I’m not too wide of the mark when I say that Cultivated Electronics is a label which has, over time, become known for championing electro above anything else. That definitely isn’t the case here though. It’s present in the form of ‘Velocity Shift’,  a tight piece of robofunk which falls more or less in the middle of the sequence and, consequently, feels like its nucleus. The collection is bookended by ‘Introvert’, a beatless, ambient inro, and ‘Miss You’, a bittersweet piece of break beat iridescence. The majority of tracks present are, while structured and cohesive, often chaotic and add odds with themselves. ‘Time To Decide’ swoops dramatically in the manner of a Suburban Knight track, as does ‘Lost Art’. ‘Lazerton’ and ‘Azaya’ are urgent and have ADHD by comparison, and this pattern reoccurs on ‘Back From 89’ and ‘Voice Over’, but to a lesser extend, this pair also having absorbed some of the funkier traits of ‘Time To Decide’. PRZ has put together an album which has a beginning, a middle and an end. The content within, although it feels logically determined is simultaneously disorderly and contradictory. Occasionally arrhythmic, but underscored with solid, machine funk foundations.

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