Monday, May 20, 2024

Track Of The Day: Amadou & Mariam (feat. Manu Chao) - Sénégal Fast Food (Radio Bemba)

I saw Amadou and Maryam with Vinny at The Liverpool Philharmonic in 2016 (I think). I’d never heard them before, the only knowledge I’d gleaned being that they both come from Mali and they are both blind. To say that I was blown away is an understatement. The level of musical virtuosity and sheer stage mastery was quite unparalleled. Simply one of the best gigs I’ve ever been to. And it all seemed so natural to them. This track, a collaboration with Manu Chao, just chugs along under its own sonic breeze and feels particularly appropriate now that the weather is at last changing for the better. 

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