Sunday, October 13, 2024

Track Of The Day: Public Image Limited - Public Image (Virgin)

Released on this day in 1978, Public Image Ltd’s debut single was one of the most eagerly-anticipated of its era, precisely because everyone was waiting to see if John Lydon would sink or swim after the demise earlier in the year of the Sex Pistols. He was clever though. This track is similar, but also different enough, to keep everyone guessing. Its sonic oeuvre is what is most interesting about it. Lydon’s characteristic wail is still intact, but everything else is bathed in a tub of dub and fuzz that goes in and out of focus. Of course these were also the days of the emerging 7” picture sleeve, and the newspaper one that covered this release and pulled out to tabloid size is a clever pastiche of not only the front pages of the day, containing piss takes of the types of article that are featured, some focussing on the band members. October the 13th was a great day for singles, with The Jam’s ‘Down In The Tube Station At Midnight’, and Gang of Four’s ‘Damaged Goods’ also being released. I have to say that I was prompted to write this by my good friend Steve Penny posting it on a Whatsapp grouo earlier today, and the debate as to which is the best release continues. 

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