Sunday, August 04, 2024

Track Of The Day: DJ Catt & DJ Foxx - Casafied Modern Music (Deep Mix) (Casa Del Soul)

Great random tune of the day. I really liked Casa del Soul while they existed, and blindly bought almost all of their output on full blown completist mode. Now, in the cold light of day, and in the winter of my discontent, I can see that some purchases may have been unwise. However, there are some real gems on the label and this one is right up there. DJ Catt teams up with DJ Foxx, who also put out the excellent ‘The Collective EP’ on the label for a piece of quintessential deep house trackiness. A dextrous use of samples reinforces this piece’s atmospheric credentials. It’s a proper pinger built on solid foundatio0ns and currently, to my great surprise, quite sought after on the ‘cogs.

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