Monday, September 09, 2024

Timothy Clerkin - Fading Remixed EP (Insult To Injury)


Title: Fading: Remixed EP

Artist: Timothy Clerkin

Label: Insult To Injury 

Cat Number: ITI#24R

Genre: Ravetastic

1: Fading (Posthuman Remix)

2: Fading (Maps Remix)

3: Sigma (Lapalace Remix)

4: Fading (All Trades Reconfigure)

I wrote a few words about the original release back in June, ending with a rhetorical question regarding the first remix in this package. And it sets things off nicely. It’s a break beat/acid/rave hybrid that has an arpeggiated waistband and a nice intensity about it. The type of tune that if I were to even contemplate dancing to it, would send me to the osteopath. The Map Remix of the same track is a slightly more serious venture, being symphonic, melodic, melancholic and phlegmatic. The type of tune that makes one feel unflappable amidst the ensuing chaos. Lapalace’s remix of ‘Sigma’ is undiluted hardcore. A genre that I don’t play myself, but have a lot of admiration for those who make it. It’s good. Relentlessly so. And then the All Trades Reconfigure version of ‘Fading’ takes its cues from dub, polishing its edges and bestowing some sharp relief. It’s all quite palalable and an improvement on its source material.

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